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Let's improve your fundamental knowledge in our Fundamental Inside Flow Teacher Training Hybrid offline and online via zoom for 3 intensive weekends from March 1st - 16th 2025 every Saturday and Sunday 13.00 - 18.00 PM Jakarta (07.00 - 13.00 PM CET)
What will you learn in this training ?
1. Fundamental principle of Inside Flow
2. Evolution in the vinyasa flow
3. Unity of Breath, Movements and Music
4. How to transitions smoothly in Inside Flow
5. How to teach on beat
For online via zoom requirement (PRE TECHNICAL TRAINING WILL BE PROVIDED):
1. Laptop or PC with the latest ZOOM apps with min. 8MB internal RAM
2. Stabile internet speed min. 10 MBPS / 10 MBPS download / upload (prefered LAN Cable)
3. Wireless microphone and Sound card
4. External Speaker
5. Webcam with low latency min. 1080 px
Registration :
Whatsapp : + 62-817-0711717
Email :
Inside flow, an evolution of Vinyasa flow where we synchronise our movements and breath.
The continuity and fluidity where we transition from one pose to the other are further enhanced by the music during the inside flow classes.
Expect each Inside Flow class at N Yoga to be energised, fun, and unique.
Perfect for those who is looking to add more movements in their routine that also promotes mind-body connection and coordination.
Inside flow, an evolution of Vinyasa flow where we synchronise our movements and breath.
The continuity and fluidity where we transition from one pose to the other are further enhanced by the music during the inside flow classes.
Expect each Inside Flow class at N Yoga to be energised, fun, and unique.
Perfect for those who is looking to add more movements in their routine that also promotes mind-body connection and coordination.
Inside flow, an evolution of Vinyasa flow where we synchronise our movements and breath.
The continuity and fluidity where we transition from one pose to the other are further enhanced by the music during the inside flow classes.
Expect each Inside Flow class at N Yoga to be energised, fun, and unique.
Perfect for those who is looking to add more movements in their routine that also promotes mind-body connection and coordination.
Inside flow, an evolution of Vinyasa flow where we synchronise our movements and breath.
The continuity and fluidity where we transition from one pose to the other are further enhanced by the music during the inside flow classes.
Expect each Inside Flow class at N Yoga to be energised, fun, and unique.
Perfect for those who is looking to add more movements in their routine that also promotes mind-body connection and coordination.
Inside flow, an evolution of Vinyasa flow where we synchronise our movements and breath.
The continuity and fluidity where we transition from one pose to the other are further enhanced by the music during the inside flow classes.
Expect each Inside Flow class at N Yoga to be energised, fun, and unique.
Perfect for those who is looking to add more movements in their routine that also promotes mind-body connection and coordination.
Inside flow, an evolution of Vinyasa flow where we synchronise our movements and breath.
The continuity and fluidity where we transition from one pose to the other are further enhanced by the music during the inside flow classes.
Expect each Inside Flow class at N Yoga to be energised, fun, and unique.
Perfect for those who is looking to add more movements in their routine that also promotes mind-body connection and coordination.
Inside flow, an evolution of Vinyasa flow where we synchronise our movements and breath.
The continuity and fluidity where we transition from one pose to the other are further enhanced by the music during the inside flow classes.
Expect each Inside Flow class at N Yoga to be energised, fun, and unique.
Perfect for those who is looking to add more movements in their routine that also promotes mind-body connection and coordination.
Inside flow, an evolution of Vinyasa flow where we synchronise our movements and breath.
The continuity and fluidity where we transition from one pose to the other are further enhanced by the music during the inside flow classes.
Expect each Inside Flow class at N Yoga to be energised, fun, and unique.
Perfect for those who is looking to add more movements in their routine that also promotes mind-body connection and coordination.
Inside flow, an evolution of Vinyasa flow where we synchronise our movements and breath.
The continuity and fluidity where we transition from one pose to the other are further enhanced by the music during the inside flow classes.
Expect each Inside Flow class at N Yoga to be energised, fun, and unique.
Perfect for those who is looking to add more movements in their routine that also promotes mind-body connection and coordination.
Inside flow, an evolution of Vinyasa flow where we synchronise our movements and breath.
The continuity and fluidity where we transition from one pose to the other are further enhanced by the music during the inside flow classes.
Expect each Inside Flow class at N Yoga to be energised, fun, and unique.
Perfect for those who is looking to add more movements in their routine that also promotes mind-body connection and coordination.
Inside flow, an evolution of Vinyasa flow where we synchronise our movements and breath.
The continuity and fluidity where we transition from one pose to the other are further enhanced by the music during the inside flow classes.
Expect each Inside Flow class at N Yoga to be energised, fun, and unique.
Perfect for those who is looking to add more movements in their routine that also promotes mind-body connection and coordination.
Inside flow, an evolution of Vinyasa flow where we synchronise our movements and breath.
The continuity and fluidity where we transition from one pose to the other are further enhanced by the music during the inside flow classes.
Expect each Inside Flow class at N Yoga to be energised, fun, and unique.
Perfect for those who is looking to add more movements in their routine that also promotes mind-body connection and coordination.
Inside flow, an evolution of Vinyasa flow where we synchronise our movements and breath.
The continuity and fluidity where we transition from one pose to the other are further enhanced by the music during the inside flow classes.
Expect each Inside Flow class at N Yoga to be energised, fun, and unique.
Perfect for those who is looking to add more movements in their routine that also promotes mind-body connection and coordination.
Inside flow, an evolution of Vinyasa flow where we synchronise our movements and breath.
The continuity and fluidity where we transition from one pose to the other are further enhanced by the music during the inside flow classes.
Expect each Inside Flow class at N Yoga to be energised, fun, and unique.
Perfect for those who is looking to add more movements in their routine that also promotes mind-body connection and coordination.
Inside flow, an evolution of Vinyasa flow where we synchronise our movements and breath.
The continuity and fluidity where we transition from one pose to the other are further enhanced by the music during the inside flow classes.
Expect each Inside Flow class at N Yoga to be energised, fun, and unique.
Perfect for those who is looking to add more movements in their routine that also promotes mind-body connection and coordination.
Inside flow, an evolution of Vinyasa flow where we synchronise our movements and breath.
The continuity and fluidity where we transition from one pose to the other are further enhanced by the music during the inside flow classes.
Expect each Inside Flow class at N Yoga to be energised, fun, and unique.
Perfect for those who is looking to add more movements in their routine that also promotes mind-body connection and coordination.
Inside flow, an evolution of Vinyasa flow where we synchronise our movements and breath.
The continuity and fluidity where we transition from one pose to the other are further enhanced by the music during the inside flow classes.
Expect each Inside Flow class at N Yoga to be energised, fun, and unique.
Perfect for those who is looking to add more movements in their routine that also promotes mind-body connection and coordination.
Inside flow, an evolution of Vinyasa flow where we synchronise our movements and breath.
The continuity and fluidity where we transition from one pose to the other are further enhanced by the music during the inside flow classes.
Expect each Inside Flow class at N Yoga to be energised, fun, and unique.
Perfect for those who is looking to add more movements in their routine that also promotes mind-body connection and coordination.
Inside flow, an evolution of Vinyasa flow where we synchronise our movements and breath.
The continuity and fluidity where we transition from one pose to the other are further enhanced by the music during the inside flow classes.
Expect each Inside Flow class at N Yoga to be energised, fun, and unique.
Perfect for those who is looking to add more movements in their routine that also promotes mind-body connection and coordination.
Inside flow, an evolution of Vinyasa flow where we synchronise our movements and breath.
The continuity and fluidity where we transition from one pose to the other are further enhanced by the music during the inside flow classes.
Expect each Inside Flow class at N Yoga to be energised, fun, and unique.
Perfect for those who is looking to add more movements in their routine that also promotes mind-body connection and coordination.
Inside flow, an evolution of Vinyasa flow where we synchronise our movements and breath.
The continuity and fluidity where we transition from one pose to the other are further enhanced by the music during the inside flow classes.
Expect each Inside Flow class at N Yoga to be energised, fun, and unique.
Perfect for those who is looking to add more movements in their routine that also promotes mind-body connection and coordination.
Inside flow, an evolution of Vinyasa flow where we synchronise our movements and breath.
The continuity and fluidity where we transition from one pose to the other are further enhanced by the music during the inside flow classes.
Expect each Inside Flow class at N Yoga to be energised, fun, and unique.
Perfect for those who is looking to add more movements in their routine that also promotes mind-body connection and coordination.
Are you new to Inside Flow?
Or maybe you are an experienced practitioner who is looking to deepen your MOVING MEDITATION PRACTICE.
This 90-minute class will walk you through the principles of Inside Flow, so you can continue to enjoy any Inside Flow weekly classes in the future.
We will go through ALIGNMENTS, TRANSITIONS, and SIGNATURE POSES that frequently come up in your regular inside flow classes.
Teacher: Sheena, a certified Inside flow teacher at N yoga.
Looking forward to flow with you!
Die yogische Kultveranstaltung geht weiter…Freu dich auf ein einzigartiges und pulsierendes Erlebnis, einen Tag voller kreativer Inspirationen mit neuen Inside Flows.
Jeder Inside Flow ist ein kreatives Vinyasa, das mit seinem Aufbau und seinem Thema auf ein modernes Musikstück abgestimmt ist.
Eine traditionelle Komponente aus dem Yoga, des Vinyasa, erfährt hierdurch eine Fortsetzung der besonderen und modernen Art.Alles ist im Fluss, deine Bewegung, dein Atem, dein Körper, dein Herz – dein Yoga.Young Ho Kim und sein Inside Yoga Flow-Team werden Dich begeistern.
Zeiten: von 11:00 – 16:00 Uhr ( Check In ab 10:30 Uhr )
Kosten: Für Yogis: 108 € · Inside Flow Teacher Status Silber, Gold und Junior & Inside Yoga Team: 81 €
TRC: 5 Points (Zertifikats-Anforderung für Inside Flow Lehrer, bitte beim Check In am Tag der Veranstaltung angeben)
This workshop is for those who are new to Inside Flow and for those who would like to learn more about how to align the body for a safe and strong Inside Flow practice. Two Yoga Alliance CEs available for yoga teachers.
Urban Beat Retreat - das Yoga and Beats Festival 2025 bringt Dich auf ein neues Level:
Mehr Tage, mehr Zeit für Me-Time, und mehr Raum für Community.
Mit Ami Norton, Maxine Wanjek, Nils von Münster-Kistner und vielen mehr
Inside Flow, dynamisches Vinyasa, Live-Musik, inspirierende Sound Baths, leckeres Essen und eine entspannte, familiäre Atmosphäre kennt Ihr bereits. Jetzt neu: Der Forellenhof hat im Dezember seinen nagelneuen Wellnessbereich eröffnet, damit Du neben all dem Flow auch richtig abschalten kannst. Genieße das ganze Wochenende mit Yoga, Wellness, Soulfood und guten Vibes – alles mit der besten Community, die Du Dir wünschen kannst. Klingt nach Dir? Dann sei dabei! Buche jetzt eins der limitierten Tickets.
Workshop: Discover Inside flow
Do you like yoga? Do youa also fancy dancing?
Come and discover Inside Flow, in a succession of yoga poses that incarnate the music. Feel the beat, feel the movement, feel better !
Move into happiness - Fließe mit der Musik und tanze durch jede Yogaposition
Erlebe dynamische und kreative Bewegungssequenzen, die Atmung, Bewegung und Musik in einer einzigartigen Verbindung zusammenbringen und Körper, Geist und Seele harmonisieren.
Im Inside Flow fließt du von einer Yoga-Position in die nächste, perfekt abgestimmt auf die rhythmischen Klänge der Musik. Diese Stunde schenkt dir Flexibilität, stärkt dein Körperbewusstsein und lässt dich emotional aufblühen – eine ideale Praxis, um dich kraftvoll aufzuladen und den Alltag loszulassen.
Durch die Verbindung von Atem und Bewegung kannst du tiefer in die Erfahrung eintauchen und den Geist zur Ruhe bringen. Die Musik inspiriert und begleitet dich dabei, sodass jede Bewegung leicht und freudvoll wirkt.
Inside Flow ist ideal für alle, die schon etwas Yoga-Erfahrung haben und eine kraftvolle, fließende Praxis suchen.
Let's join us for an unforgettable experience at our Level 1 Training in the beautiful city of Bandung, West Java Indonesia with Senior Teachers Martin & Tasya
You may join OFFLINE in Hotel Malaka Bandung or via ZOOM Online for 4 days intensive training.
What to learn ?
1. Fundamental Teaching skills of Inside Flow
2. Creating simple build up flow for starting a journey as Inside Flow teacher
3. Creating music playlist for build up
4. Creating simple Inside Flow sequence with different genre of songs
5. Creating simple story telling to touch the heart of people
For Online, we will provide a basic technical training in order to succeed the training.